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[SOLVED] - Issue with Amiga games DOWNLOAD links containing #

Posted: Fri Mar 08, 2019 9:58 am
by Latruffe
as a nostalgic ancient of Amiga 500 tribe, I was looking for some ROMs to feed my new Rapsberry PI.
And I finally found this marvelous website.
Great job, guys !
You should request UNESCO to protect it as a digital heritage and historical testimony of retro gaming :D

Jokes aside, to be more pragmatic, I've noticed some DOWNLOAD links are wrong.
By studying deeper, I've discovered it only concerns file names containing "#" character.
And I find the way to solve it.
Then on the Amiga Games download page, I advise you to modify the href to the zip files by replacing "#" by "%23".
This way it works.
FYI, I'm using Firefox 65.0.1 (64 bits) on Ubuntu 18.04 up-to-date.

Example :
For the file : A-10 Tank Killer - Sim Module #1 (1990)(Dynamix)[FD-HD, data disk].zip
present DOWNLOAD link : <a href="../games/A-10 Tank Killer - Sim Module #1 (1990)(Dynamix)[FD-HD, data disk].zip"</a>
fixed link : <a href="../games/A-10 Tank Killer - Sim Module %231 (1990)(Dynamix)[FD-HD, data disk].zip"</a>

Using the search engine with character #, it seems 34 files are concerned.

I hope it will help improving the website.

Re: Issue with Amiga games DOWNLOAD links containing #

Posted: Sat Mar 09, 2019 7:40 pm
by admin
Hi Latruffe, thanks for your compliments! And thank you so much for reporting this problem, which I promptly corrected ;)
I'm glad you like my site, which has been online since 2008. During these years I've always tried to improve it, changing graphics and adding content. I hope the forum will become a meeting point for Amiga enthusiasts and retrogramers. Spread the word! :D